1. Introduction
Xiaoyan ZHANG,Associate professor,School of mechanics and Civil Engineering
E-mail address: Zhangxiaoyan@cumtb.edu.cn
2. Education Background and Experience
(1)BEng,Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and technology, China, 2009
(2)Msc, Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK,2010
(2)Ph.D., Geotechnical Engineering, University of Hongkong, HongKong, China, 2015
(3)Lecture, China University of Mining and technology-Beijing, 2016-2020
(4)Associate Professor, China University of Mining and Technology -Beijing, 2020-
3. Research Area
Soil Mechanics, Geotechnical
4. Academic Achievement
[1] Zhang Xiaoyan, Meng Lingfeng , Li Dongyang, Ye Yonghua , Wei Kaiyuan Investigating correlations between microstructural characteristics andmechanical properties of coral sand mortar with different silicafume contents[J]. Construction and Building Materials 2024: (IF=8)(JCR Q1)
[2] Zhang Xiaoyan, Hu Mengyu, Zuo Jianping, Wang Zhenbo, Baudet Beatrice Anna, Coop Matthew Richard. Effect of grain size on ductility and failure mechanism of fiber-reinforced coral sand cement-based composites[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024: (IF=6.8)(JCR Q1)
[3] Jiang Hua, Zhang Handong, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhang Jinxun, Jiang Yusheng. Experimental study on the influence of content and fineness of fly ash on the mechanical properties of grouting slurries[J]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2024,
[4] Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Hongsen, Tan Xue, Li Guoliang, Jiang Hua. Coupling effects of temperature, confining pressure, and pore pressure on permeability and average pore size of longmaxi shale[J]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2023, 2(4): 359-370
[5] Jiang Hua, Zhao Huiyan, Zhang xiaoyan*, Jiang Yusheng, Zheng Yoafu. Comparative study of the rock-breaking mechanism of a disc cutter and wedge tooth cutter by discrete element modelling[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 36(1): (IF=4.2)(JCR Q1)
[6] Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Kaiyuan, Li Dongyang, Zhou Yike, Liang Wei. Characterization of mechanical properties and microstructure of silica mortar and coral mortar based on nuclear magnetic resonance technology[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: (IF=3.8)(JCR Q2)
[7] Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Kaiyuan, Zuo Jianping, Zhou Yike, Hu Yajun. Effects of admixtures on the mechanical characteristics and microstructure of coral aggregate mortar[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 60: (IF=6.8)(JCR Q1)
[8] Jiang Hua, Zhu Jiachen, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Zhang Jinxun, Li Hongliang, Meng Lingfeng. Wear mechanism and life prediction of the ripper in a 9-m-diameter shield machine tunneling project of the beijing new airport line in a sand-pebble stratum[J]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2022, 1(1): 65-76
[9] Yang Xing, Yang Zhiyong, Zhang Xiaoyan, Jiang Yusheng, Hou Gongyu, Shao Xiaokang, Qi Weiqiang. Experimental study on the influences of water content, consolidation time, and soil conditioning on the adhesion of clay in EPB shields[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81(10): (IF=4.2)(JCR Q1)
[10] Zhang Xiaoyan, Zuo Jianping, Wang Zhenbo, Cai Yanyan, Zhou Yike. The evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of coral aggregate mortar under uniaxial compression using ultrasonic analysis[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 300: (IF=8)(JCR Q1)
[11] Jiang Hua, Mu Jianhua, Zhang Jinxun, Jiang Yusheng, Liu Chongyang, Zhang Xiaoyan. Dynamic evolution in mechanical characteristics of complex supporting structures during large section tunnel construction[J]. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 2022, 1(2): 183-201
[12] Zhang Xiaoyan, Hu Wei, Zheng Yangshuai, Gou Huaixiao, Gao Xin. Effects of relative density in progressive sliding of tailings deposits: Insights from flume tests[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, 279: 105908 (IF=7.6)(JCR Q1)
[13] Zhang XiaoYan, Baudet Béatrice Anne, Yao Ting. The influence of particle shape and mineralogy on the particle strength, breakage and compressibility[J]. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 2020, 11(1): 1
[14] Zhang Xiaoyan, Hu Wei, Scaringi G. , Baudet Béatrice Anne, Han Wei. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2018, 8(1): 73-79
[15] Zuo Jianping, Li Yulin, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Zhao Zhihong, Wang Tingzheng. The effects of thermal treatments on the subcritical crack growth of pingdingshan sandstone at elevated high temperatures[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(11): 3439-3454 (IF=6.6)(JCR Q1)
[16] Zhang Xiaoyan, Hu Wei, Scaringi G. , Baudet Béatrice Anne, Han Wei. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2018, 8(1): 73-79
[17] Zhang Xiao Yan, Baudet Béatrice Anne, Hu Wei, Xu Qiang. Characterisation of the ultimate particle size distribution of uniform and gap-graded soils [J]. Soils and Foundations, 2017, 57(4): 603-618 (IF=4.1)(JCR Q2)
[18] Zhang Xiaoyan, Baudet Béatrice Anne. The multi-fractal nature of soil particle size distribution[C]. International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, IS-Cambridge 2014, September 1, 2014 - September 3, 2014, 2014: 1183-1188.
[19] Zhang Xiaoyan, Baudet Béatrice Anne. Particle breakage in gap-graded soil[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2013, 3(2): 72-77