1. Introduction
Wei Liu,Associate Professor,Department of Engineering Mechanics
E-mail address: liuw@cumtb.edu.cn
2. Education Background and Experience
(1)Engineering Mechanics, Harbin Engineering University, China, 2013
(2)Ph.D., Solid Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China, 2018
(3)Research Associate, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 2018-2021
(4)Associate Professor, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 2021-present
3. Research Area
Experimental Mechanics, Optical Measurement, Artificial Intelligence, Impact Mechanics, Multiscale Fracture
4. Academic Achievement
Published more than 40 peer-reviewed journal papers, including journals in mechanics (e.g., IJSS, IJF, EFM, EML), materials (e.g., CS, PT), and engineerings (e.g., RMRE, GSE).
Representative publications include: (* denotes the Corresponding authors)
[1] Liu W, Cheng W, Liu X, Zhang Z, Yue Z, Yang L, Shen A. (2024) Effects of loading rate and notch geometry on dynamic fracture behavior of rocks containing blunt V-notched defects. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57(4), 2501-2521. (IF: 6.2, JCR&Q1)
[2] Wei Liu*, Yulong Li, Zhiqian Zhang, Liyun Yang, Yi Luo, Zhongwen Yue. (2023) Loading rate effect on mixed-mode I+II fracture of V-notched Brazilian disc rock specimen under impact loads. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 291, 109581. (IF: 5.4, JCR&Q1)
[3] Liu X, Jia X, Liu W*, Nie B, Zhang C, Song D. (2023) Mechanical strength and porosity changes of bituminous coal induced by supercritical CO2 interactions: Influence of saturation pressure. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 225, 211691. (IF: 4.4, JCR&Q1)
[4] Liu W, Li L, Yang H, Chen M, Yi K, Qi W, Zhu S, Zeng Q, Chen H. (2023) A synchronous thermal-mechanical in-situ device for dynamic fracture initiation. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 39, 122492. (IF: 3.5, JCR&Q1)
[5] Liu W, Hu C, Li L, Zhang X, Peng L, Qiao Y, Yue Z. (2022) Experimental study on dynamic notch fracture toughness of V-notched rock specimens under impact loads. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 259, 108109. (IF: 5.4, JCR&Q1)
[6] Liu W, Zhang Z, Cheng W, Zhang X, Yue Z, Ma Z. (2022) Experimental and theoretical fracture assessments of blunt V-notched rock samples under SHPB impact loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(4), 2011-2025. (IF: 6.2, JCR&Q1)
[7] Fu Y, Liu W*. (2021) Rational design and characterization of lattice structures made from circular-arc curved bars. International Journal of Solids and Structures, (208-209), 235-246. (IF: 3.6, JCR&Q2)
[8] Fu Y, Liu W*. (2021) Design of mechanical metamaterial with controllable stiffness using curved beam unit cells. Composite Structures, 258, 113195. (IF: 6.3, JCR&Q1)
[9] Liu W, Gong L, Yang H. (2021) Integrated conductive rubber composites for contact deformation detection of tubular seals. Polymer Testing, 96, 107089. (IF: 5.1, JCR&Q1)
[10] Liu W, Ma X, Li L, Yuan Y. (2021) Fracture assessments of blunt V-notches using coherent gradient sensing (CGS) method. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 113, 102974. (IF: 5.3, JCR&Q1)
5. Awards and Honors
The Youth Talent Support Program of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, 2022