1. Introduction
Ming Li, Lecturer, Department of Engineering Mechanics
E-mail address: li_ming@cumtb.edu.cn
2. Education Background and Experience
(1) B.S., Engineering Mechanics, Henan University of Science and Technology, China, 2008-2012.
(2) M.S., Engineering Mechanics, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), China, 2012-2015.
(3) Ph.D., Solid Mechanics, Beihang University, China, 2015-2020.
(4) Postdoctoral Fellow, Beihang University, China, 2020-2023.
3. Research Area
Nonlinear vibration control, design and application of variable stiffness mechanisms, intelligent materials and testing technology, slope stability and support technology
4. Academic Achievement
Representative papers:
[1] Li Ming, Cheng Wei, Xie Ruili. A quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator using a cam mechanism with user-defined profile[J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 189(2021): 105938.
[2] Li Ming, Cheng Wei, Xie Ruili. Design and experiments of a quasi-zero-stiffness isolator with a noncircular cam-based negative-stiffness mechanism[J], Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, 26(21-22): 1935-1947.
[3] Li Ming, Cheng Wei, Xie Ruili. Design and experimental validation of two cam-based force regulation mechanisms[J], Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 12(3): 031003-1-14.
[4] Li Ming, Cheng Wei, Xie Ruili. Design and experimental validation of a cam-based constant-force compression mechanism with friction considered[J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(11): 3873-3887.
[5] Li Ming, Cheng Wei. Design and experimental validation of a large-displacement constant-force mechanism, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 10(5): 051007-1-15.
Representative patents:
[1] Cheng Wei, Li Ming, Mei Junjie, et al. Zero-stiffness impact isolation device,2023-11-14,US Patent,US11,815,155B2
[2] Cheng Wei, Li Ming, Mei Junjie, et al. Zero-stiffness impact isolation device,2022-3-30,South Africa Patent,2021/07050
[3] Cheng Wei, Li Ming, Mei Junjie, et al. Zero-stiffness impact isolation device, 2020-08-14, national invention patent, 201910716329.0
[4] Cheng Wei, Li Ming, Chen Jiangpan, et al. A piezoelectric dynamic force sensor with high overload and large range, 2019-04-05, national invention patent, 201611104867.7
[5] Cheng Wei, Li Ming, Li Xiongfei, et al. A high range static and dynamic loading mechanism suitable for sensitivity calibration of piezoelectric force sensors, 2018-09-25, national invention patent, 201610393160.6