王健,工学博士,讲师。作为参与人在多项国家自然科学基金项目,教育部重点项目,横向课题项目等中从事相关技术服务。入职以来,积极参与双语教学和国际前沿课程系列讲座,先后邀请英国利兹大学,华威大学,巴西圣保罗大学的教授授课讲学,为我校的国际学术交流搭建了有效的平台。所在教学团队获北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖,省部级和校级高等教学成果奖2项,个人获得大学生创新训练项目和优秀本科毕设指导教师奖。 2009-2016就职于AECOM英国伦敦办公室,担任高级土木工程师,先后参与多项大型基础设施的设计咨询工作,比如Cross rail, HS2, Thame Tideway, 特长为对土木工程中一般问题的有限元和离散元方法的数值方法分析和研究, 包括超高层结构的随机风振响应研究,岩石边坡的抗震研究,地铁隧道的岩土受力性能分析和研究,深基础和浅基础的受力性能分析,设计和研究等。
1. 2005.09-2009.06:英国诺丁汉大学,土木工程博士
2. 2002.09-2005.06:中国矿业大学(北京),结构工程硕士
1. 项目
(2)开放基金项目,Ground movement and relaxation during tunnel excavation。
2. 论著
(1) Wang, J. Design and research on teaching method of underground comprehensive pipe gallery course aiming at cultivating practical talents. Journal of Northwest University-Natural Science Edition, 2021,51:81-83.
(2) Wang, J. Yu, H.S. Langston, P.A., Particle Shape Effects in Discrete Element Modelling of Cohesive Angular Particles. Granular Matter. Volume (13), Issue (1), Page (1-12), 2011.
(3) Wang, J. Yu, H.S. Langston, P.A., Simulation of Simple Shear Test Using DEM. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation: Fundamentals & Applications to Mining & Civil Engineering, (ICADD-8), 157-161, August 14-19, 2007, Beijing P.R. China. Presented in conference.
(4) Bo Liu; Yanding Sun; Jian Wang; Gong Zhang; Characteristic Analysis of Crack Initiation and Crack Damage Stress of Sandstone and Mudstone under Low-Temperature Condition, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 2020, 34(3)
(5) Zhiliu Wang; Bo Liu; Jian Wang; Biao Yao; Peng Zhang; Stability of inner dump slope and analytical solution based on circular failure: Illustrated with a case study, Computer and Geotechnics, 2020, 117
(6) Liu, B. Wang, J. & Li, D.Y. Experimental study on freezing strength of deep water-rich sandstone in Ordos Basin. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing. 2017, 2(1): 25-32