

发布时间:2018-07-26   作者:   来源:   点击数:






2019.07 - 中国矿业大学(北京)力学与土木工程学院       授、院长

2018.09-2019.03 美国布朗大学 国家公派高级访问学者

2012.06-2019.07  中国矿业大学(北京)力建学院     教授、历任系主任、副院长

2011.03-2012.03 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室   国家公派普通访问学者

2006.07-2012.06  中国矿业大学(北京) 力建学院 讲师、博士后、副教授、系副主任

2001.09-2006.06  中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院 .博士生

1999.07-2001.08  广东省韶关钢铁集团有限责任公司 助理工程师

1995.09-1999.06  中南大学铁道学院(原长沙铁道学院) 本科



主要从事采矿岩石力学和岩层控制的教学和科研工作,主要研究方向:(1) 采矿岩石多尺度破坏力学及理论;(2) 岩层移动类双曲线理论模型及演化特征;(3) 深部巷道围岩等强支护理论及全空间协同控制实践。





1.         国家杰出青年科学基金项目, 52225404, 矿山岩体力学, 2023.1-2027.12, 400, 主持, 在研

2.         国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(D0208), 42321002, 煤地质学, 2024.1-2028.12, 参加,在研

3.         中央高校优秀青年团队资助项目, 2023YQTD01, 煤炭绿色开发基础研究, 2023.22024.12, 120, 主持, 在研

4.         北京卓越青年科学家计划项目, BJJWZYJH01201911413037, 矿山岩体力学与矿山生态修复, 2019.1-2023.12, 5000, 主持, 结题

5.         国家重点研发计划, 2016YFC0801404, 煤与瓦斯突出风险判识与监测预警理论及技术体系, 2017.1-2019.12, 15, 主持, 结题

6.         国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才, W02070044, 不同开采方式下煤岩体的破断机理及稳定性, 2016.1-2018.12, 190, 主持, 结题

7.         国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金, 51622404, 矿山岩体力学, 2017.1-2019.12, 130,主持, 在研

8.         国家自然科学面上项目, 11572343, T-H-M耦合作用下核废料储库围岩的疲劳破损机理及模型研究, 2016.1-2019.12, 56, 主持, 结题

9.         国家自然科学面上项目, 51374215, 不同开采方式下采动岩层的动态破损机理及稳定性研究, 2014.1-2017.12, 80, 主持, 在研

10.     国家自然科学青年基金, 11102225, T-M耦合作用下北山花岗岩的渐进热损伤及断裂行为研究, 2012.1-2014.12, 25, 主持, 在研

11.     霍英东教育基金会应用课题资助, 142018, 深部高应力巷道围岩控制与预警技术研究, 2014.3-2017.2, 2万美元, 主持, 在研

12.     国家973项目, 2010CB732002, 高应力强卸荷作用下多组裂隙岩体宏细观力学行为, 2010.01-2014.08, 429, 结题(优秀), 课题组长

13.     教育部新世纪优秀人才:深部煤炭资源开采中的重大工程灾害事故机理与动态调控理论(NCET-09-0726), 25, 2010.01-2012.12, 主持, 结题

14.     北京市科技新星计划:北京地铁EPB盾构施工岩土层动态破损机理及沉陷控制(2010B062) 2010.12-2013.12;主持, 20, 主持, 结题

15.     北京市优秀人才培养资助(D):北京地铁隧道的宏细观破损机理及地表沉陷预测研究, 2009D013001000037, 5, 2010.01-2011.12, 主持, 结题



1.         山西潞安环保能源开发股份有限公司王庄煤矿, 大采高放顶煤工作面开采关键技术研究, 2010.3-2010.12, 59, 主持, 结题

2.         河北煤炭科学研究院, 煤矿生态保护性开采中岩层控制与水资源保护基础理论研究, 2015.1-2015.12,主持, 结题

3.         煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司, 矿井水力压裂围岩定向裂缝扩展机理及形态研究, 2017.6.20-2017.12.31,主持, 结题

4.         阳泉煤业(集团)有限责任公司, 软岩巷道钢管混凝土支护快速支护技术研究, 2017.8.11-2019.6.20,主持, 结题

5.         国氢能源科技有限公司, 额和宝力格煤田煤炭地下气化覆岩运移规律研究, 2018.9.1-2018.12.30,主持, 结题

6.         河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司, 矿井深部突水机理及微震监测预警防治技术研究, 2019.12-2021.6,主持, 结题

7.         陕西煤业化工集团有限责任公司, 陕北煤矿区水资源保护与利用及生态重建关键技术研究与示范项目课题四:矿井水多元化利用技术研究, 2019.1-2021.12, 419, 主持, 结题

8.         山西潞安环保能源股份有限公司王庄煤矿, 大采出空间巷道变形破坏规律及差异化加固技术研究, 2020.9-2021.12,主持, 结题

9.         山西潞安集团蒲县常兴煤业有限公司, 常兴煤矿综采工作面煤柱稳定性及对穿锚索加固技术研究, 2022.1-2022.12,主持, 结题

10.     潞安化工集团有限公司黑龙关煤业, 大断面松软破碎巷道全空间协同控制技术研究, 2022.1-2022.12,主持, 结题


2. 论文和著作


1.         Zuo JianpingShen Jiayi. The Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion-From theory to application. Springer202013

2.         左建平,周宏伟,鞠杨. 热力耦合作用岩石的微细观破坏力学. 科学出版社出版,20195(国家科学著作出版基金资助项目)

3.         左建平,陈岩,王超. 深部煤岩组合体破坏力学及模型. 科学出版社(中国博士后基金文库)20174

4.         左建平,曹光明,孙运江,王金涛,陈岩. 采矿围岩破坏力学与全空间协同控制实践. 科学出版社,20162

5.         朱建明,左建平, 史红邈, 解鹏雁等. 低渗透高瓦斯煤层安全开采技术. 中国矿业大学出版社,20219



1.         Jian-ping Zuo, Hong-tao Li, He-ping Xie, Yang Ju, Su-ping Peng. A nonlinear strength criterion for rocklike materials based on fracture mechanics. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2008, 45(4): 594-599.

2.         Jian-ping Zuo, Hui-hai Liu, Hong-tao Li. A theoretical derivation of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion for rock materials. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(4): 361-366.

3.         Wang Zhaofeng, Pang Pengzhi, Jian-ping Zuo*, YaohuiGao. A generalized nonlinear three-dimensional failure criterion based on fracture mechanics. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 15: 630-640.

4.         Jian-ping Zuo, Peng Su-ping, Li Yong-jun, Chen Zhong-hui, Xie He-ping. Investigation of karst collapse based on 3-D seismic technique and DDA method at Xieqiao coal mine, China. International Journal of Coal geology, 2009, 78(4): 276-287

5.         Jian-ping Zuo, XIE He-ping, Zhou Hong-wei, Peng Su-ping. SEM in-situ investigation on thermal cracking behavior of Pingdingshan sandstone at elevated temperatures. Geophysical Journal International, 2010, 181(2): 593-603.

6.         Jian-ping Zuo, Xie He-ping, Dai Feng, Ju Yang. Three-point bending tests investigation of the fracture behavior of siltstone after thermal effects. International Journal of Rock mechanics and Mining Science, 2014, 70: 133-143.

7.         Jian-ping Zuo*, Jin-hao Wen, Yong-dong Li, Yun-jiang Sun, Jin-tao Wang, Yun-qian Jiang and Lei Liu. Investigation on the interaction mechanism and failure behavior between bolt and rock-like mass. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2019, 93: 103070: 1-14.

8.         Jian-ping Zuo*, Genshui Wu*, Jian Du, Bo Lei, Yubao Li. Rock Strata Failure Behavior of Deep Ordovician Limestone Aquifer and Multi‑level Control Technology of Water Inrush Based on Microseismic Monitoring and Numerical Methods. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55: 4591-4614.

9.         Jian-ping Zuo*, Shihan Man. Tension and Shear Cracks Growth-Based Evolution Model for Creep Characteristics of Brittle Rocks. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(10): 04020164.

10.     Jian-ping Zuo*, Jingfang Lu, Rojin Ghandriz, Yan-Hong Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Jin-Tao Wang, Jun Li*. Mesoscale fracture behavior of Longmaxi outcrop shale with different bedding angles: Experimental and numerical investigations. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020, 12(2): 297-309.

11.     Jian-ping Zuo*, Meilu Yu, Chunyuan Li, Yunjiang Sun, Shunyin Hu, Zhengdai Li. Analysis of Surface Cracking and Fracture Behavior of a Single Thick Main Roof Based on Similar Model Experiments in Western Coal Mine, China. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30(1): 657-680.

12.     Jian-ping Zuo, Hai-yan Liu, De-jun Liu*, Jun Wang, Tang-liang Zhang, Fei Xu. Study on large deformation mechanism and concrete‑filled steel tubular support technology for ventilation shaft roadway. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80: 6245-6262.

13.     Jian-ping Zuo, He-ping Xie, Hong-wei Zhou. Experimental determination of the coupled thermal-mechanical effects on fracture toughness of sandstone. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2009, 37(1): 48-52

14.     Jian-ping Zuo, He-ping Xie, Hongwei Zhou. Investigation on meso-failure behavior of rock under thermal-mechanical effects based on high temperature SEM. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2012, 55(10): 1855-1862.

15.     Jian-ping Zuo, Xi-Shu Wang, Mao Deqiang. SEM in-situ study on the effect of offset-notch on basalt cracking behavior under three-point bending load. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 131: 504-513.

16.     Jian-ping Zuo, Xi-Shu Wang, De-Qiang Mao, Chun-Lai Wang, Jiang Guanghui. T-M coupled effects on cracking behaviors and reliability analysis of double-notched crustal rocks. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2016, 158: 106-115.

17.     Jian-ping Zuo, Jin-Tao Wang, Yun-Jiang Sun, Yan Chen, Guang-Hui Jiang, Yan-Hong Li. Effects of thermal treatment on fracture characteristics of granite from Beishan, a possible high-level radioactive waste disposal site in China. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 182: 425-437.

18.     Jian-ping Zuo, Mao-Hong Yao, Ying-Jie Li, Shan-Kun Zhao, Yun-Qian Jiang, Zheng-Dai Li. Investigation on fracture toughness and micro-deformation field of SCB sandstone including different inclination angles cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 208: 27-37.

19.     Jian-ping Zuo, Xu Wei, Yue Shi, Chang Liu, Meng Li, Robina H.C. Wong. Experimental study of the ultrasonic and mechanical properties of a naturally fractured limestone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 125, 104162: 1-12.

20.     Jian-ping Zuo*, Yulin Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, Tingzhen Wang. The Effects of Thermal Treatments on the Subcritical Crack Growth of Pingdingshan Sandstone at Elevated High Temperatures. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2018, 51(11): 3439-3454

21.     Jian-ping Zuo, Yu-Lin Li, Cunhui Liu, Hai-yan Liu, Jintao Wang, Hongtao Li, LIU Lei. Meso-Fracture Mechanism and its Fracture Toughness Analysis of Longmaxi Shale including different angles by means of M-SENB tests. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 215: 178-192.

22.     Jian-ping Zuo, Zi-jie Hong*, Zu-qiang Xiong, Cheng Wang, Hong-qiang Song. Influence of different W/C on the performances and hydration progress of dual liquid high water backfilling material. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190: 910-917

23.     Jian-ping Zuo, Guanghui Jiang, Xu Wei, Haicheng Su. A gas-mechanical coupled constitutive equation for fractured coal containing gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016, 36: 1109-1119.

24.     Jian-ping Zuo*, Hongqiang Song*, Yunqian Jiang, Shankun Zhao, Meilu Yu and Liyun Li. Preliminary Discussion on Comprehensive Research Method for Rock Burst in Coal Mine Based on Newton’s Second Law. Shock and Vibration, 2020: 8861306.

25.     Jian-ping Zuo, Yan Chen, Xiaoli Liu. Crack evolution behavior of rocks under confining pressures and its propagation model before peak stress. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(11): 3045−3056

26.     Bo Lei, Hongtao Li, Jian-ping Zuo*, Haiyan Liu, Meilu Yu, Genshui Wu. Meso-fracture behavior of Longmaxi shale with different crack-depth ratios: Experimental and numerical investigations. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2021, 257: 108025.

27.     Bo Lei, Jian-ping Zuo*, Haiyan Liu, Jintao Wang, Fei Xu, Hongtao Li. Experimental and numerical investigation on shale fracture behavior with different bedding properties. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2021, 247: 107639.

28.     Changning Mi, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yunjiang Sun, Shankun Zhao. Investigation on rockburst mechanism due to inclined coal seam combined mining and its control by reducing stress concentration. Natural Resources Research, 2022; 31(6): 3341-3364.

29.     Chunyuan Li*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Shikun Xing, Weisheng Du, Xiaoyu Chuai. Failure behavior and dynamic monitoring of floor crack structures under high confined water pressure in deep coal mining: A case study of Hebei, China. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 139(4): 106460.

30.     Chunyuan Li, Jian-ping Zuo*, Chunchen Wei, Xiang Xu, Yang Li, Yong Zhang. Fracture Development at Laminated Floor Layers Under Longwall Face in Deep Coal Mining. Natural Resources Research, 2020, 29(6), 3857-3871.

31.     Chunyuan Li, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yue Shi, Chunchen Wei, Yuqing Duan, ·Yong Zhang, Hong Yu. Deformation and fracture at floor area and the correlation with main roof breakage in deep longwall mining. Natural Hazards, 2021, 107: 1731-1755.

32.     Dejun Liu*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Jun Wang, Pan Li*, Kang Duan, Dongming Zhang, Song Guo. Bending failure mechanism and strengthening of concrete-filled steel tubular support. Engineering Structures, 2019, 198, 109449: 1-20.

33.     Dejun Liu*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Jun Wang. Large deformation mechanism and concrete-filled steel tubular support control technology of soft rock roadway-A case study. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 116: 104721.

34.     Dejun Liu*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Jun Wang. Large deformation mechanism and concrete-filled steel tubular support control technology of soft rock roadway-A case study. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 116: 104721.

35.     Dejun Liu*, Zhiheng Xia; Jun Wang; Jian-ping Zuo*. Flexural strengthening mechanism of concrete-filled steel tube beam by welding round steel at soffit of the beam. Structures, 2021, 34: 2243-2261.

36.     Gen-shui Wu, Wei-jian Yu, Jian-ping Zuo*, Shao-hua Du. Experimental and theoretical investigation on mechanisms performance of the rock-coal-bolt(RCB)composite system. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2020, 30(6): 759-768.

37.     Guanghui Jiang, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yulin Li, Xu Wei. Experimental investigation on mechanical and acoustic parameters of different depth shale under the effect of confining pressure. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2019, 52(11), 4273-4286.

38.     Guanghui Jiang, Jianpnig Zuo*, Liyun Li, Teng Ma, Xu Wei. The evolution of cracks in Maluanshan granite subjected to different temperature processing. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(6): 1683-1695.

39.     Haiyan Liu; Jian-ping Zuo*; Chunwang Zhang; Kaijun Wu; Bo Lei. Asymmetric deformation mechanism and control technology of roadway under the room and pillar group in Huasheng coal mine. Journal of Central South University, 2023, 30(7): 2284-2301.

40.     Hongqiang Song, Jian-ping Zuo*, Haiyan Liu, Shuhao Zuo. The Strength Characteristics and Progressive Failure Mechanism of Soft Rock-Coal Combination Samples with Consideration Given to Interface Effects. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 138: 104593.

41.     Jiayi Shen, Shaoxiang Zhan, Murat Karakus, Jian-ping Zuo*. Effects of flaw width on cracking behavior of single-flawed rock specimens. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80: 1701-1711.

42.     Kozyrev Anatoly, Batugin Andrian*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Zhukova Svetlana. The Impact of Surface Water Seepage on Seismicity and Rockbursting in Mines. Sustainability, 2022, 14(22): 15414.

43.     Li Zhendai, Jian-ping Zuo*, Sun Yunjiang. Investigation on Sandstone Wave Velocity Variation and the Stress Response of Pore Structure. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2022, 81(6): 237.

44.     Lingtao Mao, Jian-ping Zuo, Zexun Yuan, Fu-Pen Chiang. Full-field mapping of internal strain distribution in red sandstone specimen under compression using digital volumetric speckle photography and X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(2): 136-146.

45.     Ma Zongyu, Jian-ping Zuo*. Zhu Fan, Liu Haiyan, Xu Chengyi. Non-orthogonal failure behavior of roadway surrounding rock subjected to deep complicated stress. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 56: 6261-6283.

46.     Meilu Yu, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yunjiang Sun, Changning Mi, Zhengdai Li. Investigation on Fracture Models and Ground Pressure Distribution of Thick Hard Rock Strata in Mining Process. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2022, 32(1): 137-153.

47.     Mingyao Li*, Jian-ping Zuo*; Dawei Hu; Jianfu Shao; Dejun Liu. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Microstructure Effect on the Mechanical Behavior and Failure Process of Brittle Rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 125: 103639.

48.     Shen Jiayi, Wan L*, Jian-ping Zuo. Non-linear shear strength model for Coal Rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(10): 4123-4132.

49.     Wang Jintao, Jian-ping Zuo*, Sun Yunjiang, Wen Jinhao. The effects of thermal treatments on the fatigue crack growth of Beishan granite: an in situ observation study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2021, 80: 1541-1555.

50.     Wang Jintao, Jian-ping Zuo*. Numerical simulation on effect of heterogeneity on Mode Ι fracture characteristics of rock. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(10): 3063-3077.

51.     Wang Zhenbo*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Feng Lulu, Jiang Guanghui, Zhang Xiaoyan. Stress-Strain Behaviour of Hybrid-Fibre Engineered Cementitious Composite in Compression. Advances in Cement Research, 2020, 32(2): 53-65.

52.     Weilv Wu, Wenbin Xu*, Jianpin Zuo*. Effect of inclined interface angle on shear strength and deformation response of cemented paste backfill-rock under triaxial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 279: 122478.

53.     Xiaoyan Zhang*, Kaiyuan Wei, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yike Zhou, Yajun Hu. Effects of admixtures on the mechanical characteristics and microstructure of coral aggregate mortar. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 60: 105182.

54.     Xiaoyan Zhang; Jian-ping Zuo*, Zhenbo Wang*; Yanyan Cai; Yike Zhou. The evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of coral aggregate mortar under uniaxial compression using ultrasonic analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 300, 124000.

55.     Xu Wei, Jian-ping Zuo*, Yue Shi, Haiyan Liu, Yunqian Jiang, Chang Liu. Experimental verification of parameter m in Hoek-Brown failure criterion considering the effects of natural fractures. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020, 12(5): 1036-1045.

56.     Yan Chen*, Jian-ping Zuo*, Zhenhua Li, Rong Dou. Experimental investigation on the crack propagation behaviors of sandstone under different loading and unloading conditions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 130: 104310.

57.     Yan Chen, Wenbing Guo, Jian-ping Zuo*, Zhenhua Li, Rong Dou. Effect of triaxial loading and unloading on crack propagation and damage behaviors of sandstone-an experimental study. Rock mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 6077-6090.

58.     Yan Chen; Jian-ping Zuo*; Baohua Guo; Wenbing Guo. Effect of cyclic loading on mechanical and ultrasonic properties of granite from Maluanshan Tunnel. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2020, 79(1): 299-311.

59.     Yan Chen; Jian-ping Zuo*; Baohua Guo; Wenbing Guo. Effect of cyclic loading on mechanical and ultrasonic properties of granite from Maluanshan Tunnel. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2020, 79(1): 299-311.

60.     Yingjie Li, Shutai Wang, Liange Zheng, Shankun Zhao*, Jian-ping Zuo*. Evaluation of the fracture mechanisms and criteria of bedding shale based on three-point bending experiment. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 255: 107913.

61.     Yulong Chen, Jian-ping Zuo*, Dejun Liu, Zhenbo Wang. Deformation failure characteristics of coal-rock combined body under uniaxial compression: experimental and numerical investigations. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(5), 3449-3464.

62.     Yunjiang Sun, Jian-ping Zuo*, Changning Mi, Yubao Li, Genshui Wu, Meilu Yu, Junhui Yang. Investigation on fault activation induced floor water inrush and its pressure relief control in 1000-m depth coal mine. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82: 222.

63.     Yunjiang Sun, Jian-ping Zuo*, Murat Karakus*, Jinhao Wen. A Novel Method for Predicting Movement and Damage of Overburden Caused by Shallow Coal Mining. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53: 1545-1563.

64.     Yunjiang Sun, Jian-ping Zuo*, Murat Karakus, Jintao Wang. Investigation of Movement and Damage of Integral Overburden during Shallow Coal Seam Mining. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2019, 117: 63-75.

65.     Yunjiang Sun, Jian-ping Zuo*, Murat Karakus, Lei Liu, Hongwei Zhou, Meilu Yu. A New Theoretical Method to Predict Strata Movement and Surface Subsidence Due to Inclined Coal Seam Mining. Rock mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54(6): 2723-2740.

66.     Zhenbo Wang*; Chang Liu; Jian-ping Zuo*; Zishan Zhang; Yudong Han; Shihan Man. Monitoring and Modeling the Damage Evolution in Engineered Cementitious Composites Subjected to Sulfate Attack through Continuous Ultrasonic Measurements. Construction & Building Materials, 2020, 262(30): 120799.

67.     Zhenbo Wang, Peng Sun, Jian-ping Zuo*, Chang Liu, Yudong Han, Zishan Zhang. Long-term properties and microstructure change of engineered cementitious composites subjected to high sulfate coal mine water in drying-wetting cycles. Materials & Design, 2021, 203: 109610.

68.     Zijie Hong, Jian-ping Zuo*, Zishan Zhang; Chang Liu; Lei Liu, Haiyan Liu. Effects of nano-clay on the mechanical and microstructural properties of cement-based grouting material in sodium chloride solution. Construction & Building Materials, 2020, 245, 118420.

69.     Lei B, Zuo JP*, Coli M, et al. Investigation on failure behavior and hydraulic fracturing mechanism of Longmaxi shale with different bedding properties. Computers and Geotechnics. 2024, 167: 106081.

70.     Yu X, Zuo JP*, Mao L, et al. Measuring the damage evolution of granite under different quasi-static load rates through acoustic emission time-frequency characteristics and moment tensor analysis[J]. Measurement, 2024: 114602.


1.         谢和平,高峰,周宏伟,左建平. 岩石断裂和破碎的分形研究. 防灾减灾工程学报, 200323(4):1-9.

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3.         左建平,谢和平,周宏伟. 温度压力耦合作用下的岩石屈服破坏研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2005, 24(16): 2917-2921

4.         左建平, 谢和平, 周宏伟,彭苏萍. 不同温度作用下砂岩热开裂的实验研究. 地球物理学报, 2007, 50(4): 1150-1155

5.         左建平, 谢和平, 周宏伟, 彭苏萍. 温度影响下煤层顶板砂岩的破坏机制及塑性特性. 中国科学E: 技术科学, 2007, 37(11): 1394-1402

6.         左建平, 谢和平, 周宏伟, 方园, 范雄. 温度-拉应力共同作用下砂岩破坏的断口形貌. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2007, 26(12): 2444-2458

7.         左建平, 周宏伟, 谢和平. 不同温度影响下砂岩的断裂特性研究. 工程力学, 2008, 25(5): 124-130

8.         左建平, 周宏伟, 谢和平, 鞠杨. 温度和应力耦合作用下砂岩破坏的细观实验研究. 岩土力学, 2008, 29(6): 1477-1482

9.         左建平, 谢和平, 周宏伟, 王怀文, 方园. 温度影响下砂岩的细观破坏及变形场的DSCM表征. 力学学报, 2008, 40(6): 786-794

10.     左建平,周宏伟,刘瑜杰. 不同温度下砂岩三点弯曲破坏的特征参量研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2010, 29(4): 705-712

11.     左建平, 谢和平, 刘瑜杰, 胡本, 卢菁芳. 不同温度热处理后砂岩三点弯曲的断裂特性. 固体力学学报,2010, 31(2): 119-126

12.     周宏伟, 谢和平, 左建平, 杜盛浩, 满轲, 严春野. 赋存深度对岩石力学参数影响的实验研究. 科学通报, 201055(34): 3276 ~ 3284

13.     左建平,谢和平,吴爱民,刘建峰. 深部煤岩单体及组合体的破坏机制与力学特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2011, 30(1): 84-92(入选F5000)

14.     左建平,谢和平,孟冰冰,刘建锋. 煤岩组合体分级加卸载特性的试验研究. 岩土力学,2011,32(5)1287-1296

15.     左建平, 周宏伟,方园,孟冰冰,彭瑞东. 甘肃北山地区深部花岗岩的热开裂试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2011, 30(6): 1107-1115

16.     左建平,裴建良,刘建锋,彭瑞东,李岳春. 煤岩体破裂过程中声发射行为及时空演化机制. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011, 30(8): 1564-1570(入选F5000)

17.     左建平, 周宏伟, 方园, 黄亚明. 含双缺口北山花岗岩的热力耦合断裂特性试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2012, 31(4): 738-745

18.     左建平, 周宏伟, 胡本. 基于单元质心对应法花岗岩热开裂及变形模拟研究. 中国矿业大学学报, 2012,41(6): 878-884+922

19.     左建平,柴能斌, 周宏伟. 不同深度玄武岩的三点弯曲细观破坏实验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2013, 32(4): 689-695

20.     裴建良,刘建锋,左建平,张茹. 基于声发射定位的自然裂隙动态演化过程研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2013, 32(4): 696-704

21.     左建平,黄亚明,刘连峰. 含偏置缺口玄武岩原位三点弯曲细观断裂研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2013, 32(4): 740-746

22.     左建平,刘连峰,周宏伟,黄亚明. 不同开采条件下岩石的变形破坏特征及对比分析. 煤炭学报.2013, 38(8):1319-1324

23.     左建平, 周宏伟, 范雄,鞠杨. 三点弯曲下热处理北山花岗岩的断裂特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,201332(12): 2422-2430

24.     左建平,黄亚明,熊国军,刘靖,李蒙蒙. 脆性岩石破坏的能量跌落系数研究. 岩土力学,201435(2): 321-327

25.     左建平,刘连峰, 陈绍杰,陈连军. 采动卸荷岩石破坏的理论模型与实验验证. 地下空间与工程学报,201410(5): 1002-1009

26.     刘建功, 赵家巍, 李蒙蒙, 左建平. 煤矿充填开采连续曲形梁形成与岩层控制理论. 煤炭学报, 2016, 41(2): 383-391

27.     左建平,孙运江,姜广辉,王金涛, 陈岩. 浅埋工作面顶板预裂分形爆破力学与模拟分析.煤炭科学技术,2016,44(6):33-38

28.     左建平,孙运江,刘文岗,胡本.浅埋大采高工作面顶板初次断裂爆破机理与力学分析.煤炭学报,201641( 9):21652172

29.     左建平, 陈岩, 宋洪强, 魏旭. 煤岩组合体峰前轴向裂纹演化与非线性模型. 岩土工程学报,2017,39(9): 1609-1615

30.     左建平,孙运江,李楷,陈岩,王金涛,姜广辉. 陷落柱影响区软岩巷道加固段长度及其底鼓控制研究. 中国矿业大学学报,2017, 46(1): 18-26

31.     孙运江,左建平*,李玉宝,刘存辉,李彦红,史月. 邢东矿深部带压开采导水裂隙带微震监测及突水机制分析. 岩土力学,201738(8):2335-2342

32.     左建平, 陈岩, 崔凡. 不同煤岩组合体力学特性差异及冲击倾向性分析. 中国矿业大学学报,2018, 47(1):81-87

33.     左建平,周钰博,刘光文,邵光耀,史月. 煤矿充填开采覆岩连续变形移动规律及曲率模型研究. 岩土力学,201940(3)1097-1104+1220

34.     左建平,宋洪强,陈岩,李彦红.煤岩组合体峰后渐进破坏特征与非线性模型[J].煤炭学报,201843(12): 32653272

35.     左建平,孙运江,钱鸣高. 厚松散层覆岩移动机理及“类双曲线”模型[J]. 煤炭学报,2017,42(6):1372-1379.

36.     左建平,孙运江*,王金涛,史月,文金浩. 充分采动覆岩“类双曲线”破坏移动机理及模拟分析. 采矿与安全工程学报,2018, 35(1): 71-77.

37.     左建平; 吴根水; 孙运江*; 于美鲁. 岩层移动内外“类双曲线”整体模型研究. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(2): 333-343

38.     左建平,李颖,李宏杰,于美鲁, 吴作启,刘家顺. 采动岩层全空间“类双曲面”立体移动模型[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2023, 8(1): 1-14

39.     左建平, 孙运江, 文金浩, 李政岱. 岩层移动理论与力学模型及其展望. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, 46(1): 1-11

40.     左建平, 于美鲁, 孙运江, 吴根水. 采矿岩层破断力学及内外类双曲线整体移动模型. 中国科学基金,2022,36(1): 128-136

41.     左建平*,于美鲁,孙运江,吴根水. 不同厚度岩层破断模式转变机理及力学模型分析. 煤炭学报,2023, 48(4): 1449-1463

42.     左建平,徐丞谊,孙运江,李颖,吴根水,于美鲁. 采动岩层整体移动“类双曲线”理论模型及验证从二维“类双曲线”到三维“类双曲面”模型[J]. 煤炭学报,202449(4)1731−1751

43.     左建平, 孙运江, 刘海雁, 于美鲁, 雷博, 宋洪强, 文金浩. 采矿岩石多尺度破坏力学[J]. 矿业科学学报, 2021,6(5): 509-523.

44.     左建平*, 刘海雁, 王军, 徐丞谊, 朱凡. 深部巷道主被动全空间协同控制技术及工程应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2023,51(07):255-267.

45.     左建平,刘海雁,徐丞谊,文金浩,刘德军,朱凡,马宗宇. 深部煤矿巷道等强支护力学理论与技术[J].中国矿业大学学报, 2023,52(4): 625-647

46.     左建平; 文金浩; 刘德军; 吴丽丽, 孙运江. 深部巷道等强支护控制理论. 矿业科学学报,2021, 6(2): 148-159.

47.     左建平,孙运江,文金浩,吴根水,于美鲁. 深部巷道全空间协同控制技术及应用. 清华大学学报,2021, 61(8): 853-862

48.     左建平, 史月,刘德军,孙运江,陈岩. 深部软岩巷道开槽卸压等效椭圆模型及模拟分析. 中国矿业大学学报, 201948(1):1-11

49.     刘德军,左建平*,郭淞,王军,李英杰,张堂亮. 深部巷道钢管混凝土支架承载性能研究进展. 中国矿业大学学报, 2018, 47(6): 1193-1211

50.     左建平,魏旭,王军,刘德军,崔凡. 深部巷道围岩梯度破坏机理及模型研究. 中国矿业大学学报,201847(3):478-485

51.     左建平,文金浩,胡顺银,赵善坤. 深部煤矿巷道等强梁支护理论模型及模拟研究. 煤炭学报,2018, 43(S1):1-11

52.     左建平,孙运江,王金涛,陈岩,姜广辉. 大断面破碎巷道全空间桁架锚索协同支护研究. 煤炭科学技术,2016, 44(3): 1-6

53.     杜建,左建平*,吴根水,赵善坤. 产气具弱化坚硬顶板力学机制及损伤特征分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2023,42(9): 2224-2236


3. 获奖和专利


1.       左建平,熊国军. 精确测量不同应力条件下波的传播速度的装置及方法. 发明专利: ZL201110055401.3; 授权日期:2013.01.02

2.       左建平,王兆丰,熊国军. 双轴多功能加卸载实验系统. 发明专利: ZL201410040997.3; 授权日期:2016.3.2

3.       左建平, 于鑫, 王军,史月,谢浩, 郭贺, 张凤银. 深井软岩巷道围岩承压环稳定性控制方法. 发明专利: ZL201610012935.0; 授权日期:2018.2.27

4.       左建平, 孙运江, 吴迪. 一种深部煤矿半封闭钢筋混凝土管片支护方法. 发明专利: ZL201510880825.1; 授权日期:2018.5.25

5.       左建平, 吴迪, 王廷征, 李楷. 一种确定临近陷落柱破碎巷道支护长度的方法. 发明专利: ZL201510589396.2; 授权日期:2018.11.16

6.       左建平 文金浩 孙运江 姜广辉. 一种煤炭与其伴生油页岩联合开采方法. 发明专利: ZL201610920425.3; 授权日期:2019.04.05

7.       左建平, 文金浩, 胡顺银. 一种煤矿矩形巷道顶板等强梁支护方法. 发明专利: ZL201710816870.X; 授权日期:2019.10.29

8.       刘德军, 左建平, 刘海雁, 李猛, 李英杰, 张堂亮. 一种“U型钢支架”原位加固方法. 发明专利: ZL201810194539.3; 授权日期:2020.1.7

9.       刘德军, 左建平, 李猛, 刘海雁, 李英杰, 张堂亮. 一种装配式让压钢管混凝土支架及制作方法      发明专利: ZL201810194392.8; 授权日期:2020.4.14

10.   刘德军, 左建平, 张堂亮. 一种基于“钢格栅-钢管混凝土”的软岩巷道支护方法. 发明专利: ZL201710785538.1; 授权日期:2020.5.12

11.   刘德军,左建平,刘海雁,李猛,李英杰,雷博,张堂亮. 一种深部软岩圆形巷道支护方法. 发明专利: ZL201910483898.5; 授权日期:2020.08.11

12.   左建平,刘海雁,刘德军,文金浩,雷博,张琪,吴凯俊. 一种应力-岩性-构造三因素时空耦合调控支护方法. 发明专利: ZL202010978417.0; 授权日期:2021.8.17

13.   左建平,刘海雁, 刘德军,文金浩,雷博,张琪,周钰博. 一种深部圆形巷道防冲支护方法. 发明专利: ZL20210958083.0; 授权日期:2021.9.7

14.   左建平;吴根水;孙运江;刘德军. 一种岩层移动共轭内、外“类双曲线”模型判定方法. 发明专利: ZL202010678763.7; 授权日期:2022.10.11

15.   左建平;左书豪;李民峰;史月;米长宁;孙运江;李政岱;徐飞;刘海雁;杜超杰. 一种多角度轴压可变的岩石剪切试验装置及试验方法. 发明专利: ZL201910847101.5; 授权日期:2022.10.11

16.   左建平;史月;邓红星;左书豪;孙运江;米长宁;李政岱;徐飞;张琪;翟鸿良. 一种用于采动破裂岩石的渗流特性测试系统及试验方法. 发明专利: ZL201910846855.9; 授权日期:2022.01.28

17.   左建平;刘海雁;刘德军;文金浩;雷博;张琪;周钰博. 一种深部圆形巷道防冲击支护方法. 发明专利: ZL202010958083.0; 授权日期:2021.09.28

18.   左建平;孙运江;吴迪. 一种半封闭钢筋混凝土管片支护系统. 发明专利: ZL201510880825.1, 授权日期:2018.05.25



1.       左建平,王兆丰,吴迪. 采矿实时开挖分析模拟软件V1.0.1[简称:MDDA]. 登记号:2015SR148035, 开发完成日期:2015530

2.       左建平,孙运江,刘存辉,李彦红. 采动裂隙场三维微震监测及突水通道实时分析软件V1.0.1[简称:CMMA-3D],登记号:2016SR069817,开发完成日期:2016121

3.       左建平,刘存辉,王金涛,李彦红. 煤岩多孔介质裂隙分析系统V1.0.1[简称:RPAS],登记号:2017SR153674;开发完成日期:20170105

4.       中国矿业大学(北京), 北京象新力科技有限公司. 巷道开挖及支护工程力学虚拟仿真实验软件V1.0;登记号:2021SR0979511,开发完成日期:2020316



1.       高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖(二等奖):热力耦合作用下岩石的宏细观结构演化与强度特征,周宏伟,左建平,王怀文;2011

2.       第七届中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步二等奖:大采出空间覆岩渐进破坏机理及围岩控制技术;左建平等,第12016

3.       高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖(二等奖):深部采矿围岩破坏力学及全空间协同控制技术;左建平等;1,2017

4.       中国煤炭工业协会科技进步奖(一等奖):深井软岩巷道钢管混凝土支架支护成套技术研究及应用(高延法,单仁亮,张忠温,王军,王波,谢国强,周光华,李恭建,李剑锋,郭东明,王殿录,左建平,魏礼刚,杜库实,杜小河,排名122016)

5.       中国煤炭工业协会科技进步奖(一等奖):矿井水害微震监测预警及防治技术(刘建功,卢新明,李玉宝,左建平,高会春,啜晓宇,陈志辉,刘扬,贾靖,谢国强,尹保亭,赵章,曾瑞萍,崔凡,梁岳林,杨军辉,孙运江,2016

6.       中国施工企业管理协会2016年度科学技术一等奖:深井软岩巷道全空间刚柔复合支护成套技术研究及应用. 王军,左建平,王波,徐亮,曲广龙,黄万朋,杨军辉,陈锋,王正泽,丁厚刚,陈冰慧,李学彬,刘国磊,何晓升,刘珂铭,2017

7.       第九届中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖:煤矿冲击地压应力控制理论、技术及成套装备,齐庆新、赵善坤、左建平(3)、邓志刚、李宏艳、张伟、魏向志、黎立云、孔令海、张宁博、蒋军军、李海涛、秦凯、苏振国,2018

8.       中国发明协会发明一等奖:大采高煤矿巷道全空间协同控制技术及实践;左建平、宋志飞、任凤国、刘德军、宋卫军、李云驰,201812

9.       河北省科学技术进步二等奖:矿井深部突水机理及综合预警防控技术研究. 左建平等,第12022

10.   中国安全生产协会科技进步一等奖:华北型煤田微震监测底板导水机理及综合预警防控技术. 左建平等,第12022

